viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2008

Installation of medium to large-scale solar plants

RES Group: "RES Mediterranean offers the installation of solar plants utilising either Photovoltaic power (PV) or Concentrated Solar Power (CSP).
The potential in the Mediterranean region is huge and largely untapped. As solar technologies get cheaper and conventional energy prices rise, it is an increasingly economic choice.
RES Mediterranean offers the installation of solar plants utilising either Photovoltaic power (PV) or Concentrated Solar Power (CSP). We have the know-how, the resources and the project management capabilities needed to develop, construct and operate solar fields for large scale power generation connected to the grid. Both PV and CSP technologies are particularly efficient in areas with high solar radiation and are therefore particularly attractive in the Mediterranean Region and the Middle East where solar radiation exceeds 7 kWh/m2 per day."

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